When To Seek Professional Help for an Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown toenails can be painful and slow you down. If you have an ingrown toenail in Marietta, GA, Dr. Matthew Ward and Dr. Christian Haight are your expert podiatrists at Marietta Podiatry Group. Read about when you need a doctor for your ingrown toenail, and call us today for an appointment.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails happen when the big toenail grows into the skin of the big toe. When you notice redness, swelling, or tenderness around the big toe, you could have an ingrown toenail and should call your Marietta, GA, podiatrist. We may have suggestions for home treatments if your ingrown toenail is not severe.

Preventing Ingrown Toenails

If you are prone to ingrown toenails, there are some precautions you can take to avoid developing one. Wear comfortable and supportive shoes with a large toe box as often as you can. This gives your toes room to wiggle and keeps them from being shoved together. Maintain your nails by keeping them short and cutting them straight across so they don't grow into the skin of your toe.

When To See Your Podiatrist

Some ingrown toenails can be helped with conservative treatments at home. Soaking your feet can help soften the toenail and skin enough to lift the nail out of the ingrown position. Use lukewarm water and Epsom salt to soak for 10 to 20 minutes at a time.

If you have redness or swelling in the big toe that is uncomfortable your ingrown toenail could be infected and you should call us. You should also see your podiatrist about an ingrown toenail if you have diabetes because you are more likely to get an infection in your feet. If you have recurring or severe ingrown toenails in Marietta, GA, your podiatrist may surgically remove the toenail to prevent further ingrown toenails.

Treat Your Ingrown Toenail Now

Marietta Podiatry Group can treat your ingrown toenails in Marietta, GA, and help you prevent future occurrences. To make an appointment with Dr. Matthew Ward or Dr. Christian Haight, contact us at (770) 422-9856.

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