How Orthotics Can Help Alleviate Back Pain and Improve Posture

Back pain can be caused by a few factors, and one of them is unsupported feet. When you have back pain, it can lead to poor posture, which can lead to even more back pain. Orthotics are an excellent treatment solution to alleviate back pain and improve your posture. Dr. Matthew Ward and Dr. Christian Haight at Marietta Podiatry Group in Marietta, GA, provide comprehensive podiatry services, including orthotics.

What You Need To Know About Orthotics

Your feet are natural shock absorbers, so when you stand, walk on hard surfaces, or run, your feet absorb the impact, so your back doesn’t have to. When you are experiencing problems with your feet, it affects your back, which also affects your posture. You may begin to slouch, causing tense, shortened muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your back. The result is more back pain.

Orthotics work by supporting and cushioning your feet, so your back doesn’t feel the stress of moving. Your feet become the excellent shock absorbers nature meant them to be. Orthotics can solve several foot issues because they:

  • Provide increased cushion, relieving pressure on your feet and body
  • Improve your balance and stability
  • Correct gait issues which can lessen back and body stress

Your podiatrist will perform a thorough examination of your feet, which may include imaging studies to check for structural problems with your feet. Then, your podiatrist will recommend the orthotics that are right for you and your feet. Consider these types of orthotics:

Soft orthotics, cushion your feet, absorb the impact of walking or standing, and help with balance. They cover the soles of your feet with soft material and are an excellent treatment solution for diabetic foot pain, arthritis, or structural abnormalities in your feet.

Semi-rigid orthotics, to help with balance. Semi-rigid orthotics are also excellent for children and adults with flat feet. This type of orthotic is made of layers of both rigid and soft materials.

Rigid orthotics, to limit joint motion, provide stability, and relieve tendon strain. Rigid orthotics reduce or eliminate pain in your back, thigh, and lower leg muscles. This type of orthotic is made entirely of hard plastic materials.

Want To Know More About Orthotics?

To find out more about how orthotics can alleviate back pain and improve your posture, call Dr. Matthew Ward and Dr. Christian Haight at Marietta Podiatry Group in Marietta, GA. You can reach them in the office by calling (770) 422-9856, so call today.

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