Diabetic Foot Care

With the help of Marietta Podiatry Group, Dr. Matthew Ward, and Dr. Christian Haight, you can get care for a variety of foot problems and minimize your suffering. For instance, we know how to handle diabetic foot care and can provide Marietta, GA, residents with the help that they deserve. Here’s what you need to know about this process and the ways we can help you.

Protect Your Toenails

Your toenails are more sensitive than you might think and can easily get damaged if you have diabetes. For example, poor blood flow might cause them to grow poorly or become more brittle and hard to maintain. Proper foot care can minimize this risk and keep your feet healthier.

Prevent Gait Problems

Did you know that problems with your feet caused by diabetes may make it harder for you to work smoothly? For example, patients may struggle to walk due to numbness in their feet. Even a little tingling in one part of the foot can cause serious issues that make it hard to walk properly regularly.

Thankfully, our team can provide diabetic foot care for Marietta, GA, residents, including corrections to your gait. It’s important to us that our clients recover, so we’ll work hard with you to improve your ability to walk. We’ll sit down with you and work out various treatment options that may help reduce the impact of this issue on your walking health.

Avoid Neuropathy Issues

If you let diabetes spread too rampant and impact your overall health, your feet will suffer. For example, there’s a real chance that you might develop neuropathy or other problems that make it harder for you to walk. Even worse, you might develop damaged or dead tissues in your feet that must be removed or managed to avoid further spread.

You’ve probably heard about people with diabetes getting a toe or even their whole foot removed because they didn’t take good enough care of themselves. That’s not just a nightmare scenario but something that could happen to anyone with diabetes. As a result, it’s critical to take your foot care seriously and work with a team you can trust to handle this process.

Get the Care You Need

No matter what kind of problems you might have with your feet, Marietta Podiatry Group is here to help. Dr. Ward and Dr. Haight can provide diabetic foot care in Marietta, GA, that reduces your problems and keeps your feet strong and healthy. Call us at (770) 422-9856 to learn how our team can help you recover from these issues and avoid further serious complications.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


7:30 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm



